TurfBlox Slant Boards

TurfBlox Slant Boards
TurfBlox Slant Boards

$185 (per set)


All TurfBlox boards are built by hand. The surface area is 16" x 12" with a 10-degree slope rising to approx. 3 inches.

Each board is topped with high-quality sport turf for grip that replicates the field and a layer of sponge rubber padding for absorbing impact. TurfBlox can be used barefoot, in tennis shoes and cleats!

Each order comes with 2 TurfBlox boards and 1 carry bag with adjustable straps.

Dimensions: L - 16" x W - 12" - H - 3"
Weight: Approx. 8lbs per set
Slope: 10 Degrees

TurfBlox offers a level of specificity that's second to none. Feel the cleats dig into the turf as you'd expect on game day, enabling highly precise drills that create a seamless transition from practice to performance. This isn't just a step up from conventional training equipment—it's a quantum leap in sport-specific preparation. Harness the power of improved agility, muscle memory, and overall performance, all on a surface that mimics the playing field. Say goodbye to generic training sessions, and embrace a solution that's engineered for cleated sports that demands nothing less than perfection. Elevate your game, secure that competitive edge, and make every second of your training count.